

Extensions allow you to assign any additional properties to the store, while keeping the store definition self-contained and reusable.

Under the hood, actions, computed and effects all wrap around the extend method.

However, you can also use extend directly to add any custom properties to the store, which don't direclty fit into the state, actions or computed properties.

Basic usage example

import { store } from '@davstack/store';
const userStore = store()
		name: 'John',
		age: 25,
	.extend((store) => ({
		isAdmin: false,
// accessing the extension
const isAdmin = userStore.isAdmin.get();

Example usage with hooks

const altStore = store({
	searchTerm: '',
}).extend((store) => ({
	useFilteredBooks: () => {
		const searchTerm = store.searchTerm.use();
      // use react query or any other data fetching library here

Example usage with components

import { store } from '@davstack/store';
export const notificationsStore = store({
  subscription: null as PushSubscription | null,
  registration: null as ServiceWorkerRegistration | null,
.computed((store) => ({
  isSubscribed: () => Boolean(store.subscription.use()),
.extend((store) => {
  async function init() {
    const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;
    try {
      const subscription = await registration.pushManager.getSubscription();
      if (!subscription) {
        console.log("No subscription found");
      await apiUtils!.notification.checkSubscription.fetch({
        endpoint: subscription.endpoint,
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error initializing subscription:", error);
  return {
     *  Initializes the store, should only be place once in root layout
    Init() {
      useEffect(() => {
      }, []);
      return null;
// app/layout.tsx
import { notificationsStore } from './notificationsStore';
export default function Layout({ children }:{children: React.ReactNode}) {
  return (