Defining Stores

Defining Stores

To create a store, you can use the store() function and pass in the initial state:

import { store } from '@davstack/store';
const counterStore = store(0);

Alternatively, you can use store.state() to define the initial state:

const counterStore = store().state(0);

store(initialState) and store.state(initialState) are equivalent and can be used interchangeably.

Defining Actions

Actions are functions that modify the store's state. They can be defined using the actions method:

const userStore = store()
		name: 'John',
		age: 25,
	.actions((store) => ({
		incrementAge() {
			store.age.set(store.age.get() + 1);
// calling actions

Defining Computed Properties

Computed properties are derived values that are automatically updated when the store's state changes. They can be defined using the computed method:

const userStore = store()
		name: 'John',
		age: 25,
	.computed((store) => ({
		fullName: () => `${} Doe`,
// accessing computed properties
const fullName = userStore.fullName.get();

You can still use the computed properties outside of react components by calling get() on them. When you use store.computedProperty.get(), davstack store will intercept the inner .use() calls and replace them with .get() calls.